Why Is My Query Sometimes Slower Than Other Times with Higher Consistent Gets Although No Change in Execution Plan?

Why Is My Query Sometimes Slower Than Other Times with Higher Consistent Gets Although No Change in Execution Plan?


Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


A new query is tested on a test database. When the same query is tested in a production environment, the elapsed time is higher.


The procedures in package DBMS_XPLAN indicate no change in execution plan between the two environments.  The test environment is restored back-up of the production database with the same volume of data.


The difference is between executing the query in an isolated environment versus within an environment in which DML is being applied to the table while the query is executing.
In order to provide an example scenario, let us create a table called MY_OBJECTS, based upon the data held within DBA_OBJECTS.
SQL> CREATE TABLE my_objects
  2  AS SELECT * FROM dba_objects;

Table created.

SQL> begin
  2  for i in 1..50 loop
  3  begin
  4  INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO my_objects
  5  select * from dba_objects;
  6  commit;
  7  end;
  8  end loop;
  9  end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Here is the first test query against MY_OBJECTS, performing a count of objects by object type.  At this time, there are no other sessions accessing the table.  Let us examine specific rows within V$MYSTAT to examine the work involved in executing this query.
SQL> SELECT a.object_type, COUNT(*) HOW_MANY
  2  FROM my_objects a, my_objects b
  3  WHERE a.owner=b.owner AND a.object_name=b.object_name
  4  AND a.object_type=b.object_type
  5  GROUP BY a.object_type
  6  ORDER BY 1;

OBJECT_TYPE           HOW_MANY                                                
------------------- ----------                                                
CLUSTER                  26010                                                
CONSUMER GROUP           65025                                                
CONTEXT                  18207                                                
DESTINATION               5202                                                
DIRECTORY                10404                                                
EDITION                   2601                                                
EVALUATION CONTEXT       36414                                                
FUNCTION                775098                                                
INDEX                  9501453                                                
INDEX PARTITION        6825024                                                
INDEXTYPE                23409                                                
JAVA CLASS            58936059                                                
JAVA DATA               845325                                                
JAVA RESOURCE          2177037                                                
JAVA SOURCE               5202                                                
JOB                      36414                                                
JOB CLASS                36414                                                
LIBRARY                 457776                                                
LOB                    2447541                                                
LOB PARTITION            26010                                                
MATERIALIZED VIEW         2601                                                
OPERATOR                143055                                                
PACKAGE                3149811                                                
PACKAGE BODY           3006756                                                
PROCEDURE               384948                                                
PROGRAM                  49419                                                
QUEUE                   104040                                                
RESOURCE PLAN            26010                                                
RULE                     18207                                                
RULE SET                 78030                                                
SCHEDULE                  7803                                                
SCHEDULER GROUP          10404                                                
SEQUENCE                501993                                                
SYNONYM               70708185                                                
TABLE                  6908256                                                
TABLE PARTITION        6476490                                                
TABLE SUBPARTITION     2663424                                                
TRIGGER                1417545                                                
TYPE                   7230780                                                
TYPE BODY               590427                                                
UNDEFINED                28611                                                
VIEW                  12385962                                                
WINDOW                   23409                                                
XML SCHEMA              135252                                                

44 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:01:50.09

SQL> SELECT name, value
  2  FROM v$mystat, v$statname
  3  WHERE v$mystat.statistic#=v$statname.statistic#
  4  AND name IN ('consistent gets',
  5  'db block gets','cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets',
  6  'cleanouts only - consistent read gets')
  7  ORDER BY 1;

NAME                                                  VALUE                   
------------------------------------------------ ----------                   
cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets            0                   
cleanouts only - consistent read gets                   100                                    
consistent gets                                      103044                   
db block gets                                             5    
Most of the work was involved in providing consistent gets to the query.  Oracle Database provides all the blocks from MY_OBJECTS as they were at the point in time at which the query was started, despite any modifications to the table which may follow. 
The query is executed again, but while the query is running the second time, another session will be executing a series of updates to MY_OBJECTS.
SQL> UPDATE my_objects
  2  SET object_type='SYNONYM'
  3  WHERE object_type='JAVA CLASS';

1155609 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:00:40.17

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> UPDATE my_objects
  2  SET object_type='JAVA CLASS'
  3  WHERE object_type='VIEW';

242862 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:00:25.97

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
SQL> UPDATE my_objects
  2  SET object_type='VIEW'
  3  WHERE object_type IN ('TABLE','INDEX');

321759 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:00:20.89

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
SQL> UPDATE my_objects
  2  SET object_type='SYNONYM'
  3  WHERE object_type IN ('TYPE','TYPE BODY');

153051 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:00:16.10

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
SQL> UPDATE my_objects
  2  SET object_type='JAVA CLASS'
  3  WHERE object_type='SYNONYM';

2695095 rows updated.

Elapsed: 00:01:16.64

Commit complete.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
Now see how this simultaneous DML affected the performance of the second execution of the query.
SQL> SELECT a.object_type, COUNT(*) HOW_MANY
  2  FROM my_objects a, my_objects b
  3  WHERE a.owner=b.owner AND a.object_name=b.object_name
  4  AND a.object_type=b.object_type
  5  GROUP BY a.object_type
  6  ORDER BY 1;

OBJECT_TYPE           HOW_MANY                                                
------------------- ----------                                                
CLUSTER                  26010                                                
CONSUMER GROUP           65025                                                
CONTEXT                  18207                                                
DESTINATION               5202                                                
DIRECTORY                10404                                                
EDITION                   2601                                                
EVALUATION CONTEXT       36414                                                
WINDOW                   23409                                                
XML SCHEMA              135252                                                

44 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:03:19.35

NAME                                                  VALUE                   
------------------------------------------------ ----------                   
cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets        19868                   
cleanouts only - consistent read gets                   195                                     
consistent gets                                     1645375                   
db block gets                                             5             
Instead of taking one minute and fifty seconds, this time the query took about three minutes and twenty seconds to complete.  The query still required consistent gets in order to provide a read-consistent view of MY_OBJECTS.  Calculating the difference between the value of 'consistent gets' now and the value following the first execution of the query shows 1.5 million vs 100,000 consistent blocks previously.
When data blocks are being modified as the query is executing, Oracle Database leverages the undo segments in order to provide earlier versions of the data block to the query.  Recall that many of the blocks within MY_OBJECTS were modified more than one time, while the query was executed.  Each time that a block is modified, Oracle Database creates a copy of the original contents of the block within the undo segment of the transaction which is making the change and enters a pointer within the current version of the block to this copy.  When a block is modified several times, Oracle Database will, in effect, create a chain of blocks, providing the ability to follow the chain backwards in order to examine the contents of the block after each change.  These blocks may reside in either the database buffer cache or on disk.
In order for the query against MY_OBJECTS to provide a read-consistent view, Oracle Database examines the most recent version of the data block. It may find that it is too recent to satisfy the point in time at which the query started and locates the next-to-latest version of the block within the undo segments.  If this next-to-latest version is not old enough, then it repeats this process until it locates the age-appropriate version to cause the query to be read-consistent.  This "peeling back" of the versions of the data block is reflected in the statistic, 'cleanouts and rollbacks - consistent read gets'.  Notice that the second execution of the query required almost 20,000 block version rollbacks, whereas the first execution required none.  While the server process is performing rollbacks, it also uses this time to perform another housekeeping task called delayed block cleanout.
 If an index is created in an attempt to speed up the response time of a query written, it still won't be able to avoid the creation of multiple versions of a block, except that this time, Oracle Database will need to not only access the table blocks but also the index blocks.  An index is only appropriate for a table at a certain point in time.  Therefore, every update will require housekeeping against the indexes, causing the updates to take more time to complete.


The activity described above is normal and necessary activity required for Oracle Database to maintain consistency of data.  The only real way to solve this issue is one of following options:
  1. Schedule DML activity separately from reporting activity.
  2. If slight staleness of the data may be tolerated, then perform reporting activity upon a materialized view or upon a read-only copy of the production database which may be refreshed on a routine schedule.
  3. Execute reports against a Data Guard Standby Database opened in read-only mode.

Note---> This informationmation taken from oracle metalink. all copy rights oracle only.
