Resolving Issues Where ''buffer busy waits' When Concurrency for Buffers is High

Resolving Issues Where ''buffer busy waits' When Concurrency for Buffers is High


Brief Definition:

Buffer busy wait happens when a session wants to access a database block in the buffer cache, but it cannot as the buffer is "busy". This indicates that there are some buffers in the buffer cache that multiple processes are attempting to either access concurrently while its being read from disk or waiting for another session's block change to complete
The two main cases where this can occur are the following:
1. Another session is reading the block into the buffer
2. Another session holds the buffer in an incompatible mode to our request

Problem Confirmation:

AWR/statspack report top timed event shows significant percentage of database time spent on this wait event.

Reducing Waits:

Identify the segments where buffer busy waits contention occurring using the reference notes.
Identify the block type from v$waitstat or from statspack/awr(section: Buffer Wait Statistics).

Freelist blocks/segment header:
Concurrent INSERTs with a suboptimal freelist configuration can lead to buffer busy wait contention as multiple sessions attempt to insert data into the same block (because it appears on the freelist to them). Heavy INSERT activity by concurrent sessions can cause multiple sessions to attempt their insert into the same blocks because automatic segment space management (ASSM) is NOT used, AND there is only a single freelist, too few process freelists, and/or no freelist groups. 
The best solution is to use ASSM since it is sometimes tricky to arrive at a correct freelist or freelist group setting. Adding process freelists will help remove contention as each process will map to separate blocks. Freelists can be added at any time without rebuilding the table. Adding freelist groups will also remove contention by mapping processes to other freelists. This is of greatest benefit in RAC environments where the freelist group block itself will be associated with an instance, but will still help in single instance environments as well. The table must be rebuilt to change the freelist group setting.

Data blocks:
Concurrent INSERTs or updates may see contention when a related index has a key that is constantly increasing (e.g., a key based on a sequence number). Index leaf blocks may see contention due to key values that are increasing steadily (using a sequence) and concentrated in a leaf block on the "right-hand side" of the index. Look at using reverse key indexes (if range scans aren't commonly used against the segment). A reverse key index will spread keys around evenly and avoid creating these hot leaf blocks. However, the reverse key index will not be usable for index range scans, so care must be taken to ensure that access is normally done via equality predicates.
Eliminate HOT blocks access from the application. Many concurrent physical reads against the same blocks will result in buffer busy waits as one session gets to do the actual physical read, and the others will be blocked by the buffer busy wait event until the read completes. This is usually an indication that the SQL statement must be tuned. Oracle's SQL Tuning Advisor can help tune specific SQL statements quickly and easily if you are licensed to use the Enterprise Manager Tuning Pack.

Undo header:
Use automatic undo management or add more rollback segments. The waits can be amplified greatly when physical reads are slow due to poor I/O subsystem performance.

Measuring Success:

Once you have applied the changes to resolve the issues you have found, compare the latest AWR to the AWR that led you here via Guided Resolution (that AWR becomes your baseline). Look at the percentage decrease total wait time for this event. If there are still issues, re- evaluate those and address them according to the specific symptom.


Note---> This informationmation taken from oracle metalink. all copy rights oracle only.
