Master Note for Troubleshooting Streams Capture 'WAITING For REDO' or INITIALIZING on September 27, 2016 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Master Note for Troubleshooting Streams Capture 'WAITING For REDO' or INITIALIZING TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS Capture process does not advance and appears stuck in one of the following states :select * from v$streams_capture shows :1. INITALIZING / DICTIONARY INITIALIZATION (the state alternates between these states), or2. WAITING FOR DICTIONARY REDO: FIRST SCN , or3. WAITING FOR REDO: LAST SCN MINED , or4. WAITING FOR DICTIONARY REDO: FILE The nature of the problem could be :- a missing logfile; or- a logfile is not registered; or- a logfile is corrupted; or- Capture is verifying/prechecking logfilesThe process will remain in this state until the log is located, it is registered, the corruption is resolved in which case it will also be necessary to reregister the log or the Capture process has checked the logfiles on disk CAUSE Common issues which can cause Capture to stop in this state are : 1.Incorrect use of RMAN backup command or RMAN Issue Only certain RMAN commands are Streams aware.There are also a number of RMAN related issues where logfiles can be deleted when Streams may still need to access these.Refer to Note 421176.1 for more details. 2.Logs Stored in FRA - Flash Recovery Area It is recommended that the FRA should be avoided with Streams.Archive log files can be deleted and ORA-1291 reported when archive logs are located in a Flash Recovery Area (FRA). More details can be found with respect to FRA in Note 305648.1. This is a recognised behaviour and for this reason it is recommended that archive logs not be located in a FRA where a Capture process will mine from this location.This is documented in the Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration 10g Release 2 (10.2) guide under the section Troublshooting Capture Problems subsection : Are Required Redo Log Files Missing.It should also be pointed out that archive logs may be deleted from the FRA when the instance is shutdown and restarted. Those archive logfiles deleted logs should be reported in the alert.log file. 3.Logs not registered in dba_registered_archived_log This issue is more likely at a downstream database. This could be due to transport issues from upstream to downstream database. 4.Logs marked as corrupted in system.logmnr_log$ Manual intervention will likely be necessary to correct this. select FILE_NAME, INFO, STATUS from system.logmnr_log$; 5.required_checkpoint_scn issues Logs may need to be manually deleted which can then affect Capture restart if the required_checkpoint_scn (dba_capture view) is not advancing. This is a key value for Capture as discussed below. 6.Capture Prevalidation of Logs in dba_registered_archived_log The Capture process has to access all the logs in dba_registered_archived_log before it can start mining changes. Thus, in the case of message :WAITING FOR DICTIONARY REDO: FILE, it may be that logs are being accessed but the state of the capture process has not been updated to indicate that it is prevalidating logs. 7.Logs deleted in error or damaged due to OS/Storage issues The following is useful background which should be used to help understand what logs are relevant.In a non RAC environment, all logs from the logfile containing the required_checkpoint_scn have to be present on disk.In a RAC environment, all logs from all threads have to be present with respect to the required_checkpoint_scn; this is also applicable for downstream Capture environments where the primary / upstream database is RAC related but the downstream database may be single instance.These logfiles are also added to the dba_registered_archived_log view.Before Capture starts mining changes , all the logs in the dba_registered_archived_log have to be located. On downstream Capture environments, this can present confusion as the Capture process may appear to be stuck / not moving (due to large numbers of logs in the view) whilst in fact it is actually accessing log files. This is more of an issue for Downstream Capture environments where a Capture process may be down for some time but logs are still being registered by the RFS processes associated with the primary database.The logfiles that a Capture process requires on restart as specified by the required_checkpoint_scn can be located from the Streams Healthcheck report output -Note 273674.1. Refer to the section headed :'++ Minimum Archive Log Necessary to Restart Capture ++'Note: the same information can also be obtain from Note 275323.1 or Note 290143.1. 8.Capture can stuck due to missing archive logs Logs are registered in dba_registered_archived_log.Logs does not exist in the archive location or damaged. SOLUTION In order to determine the problem logfile(s) and understand what is going on please provide to Oracle Suport Services the Streams Healthcheck output (Note 273674.1)) and the alert.log file(s) from Upstream (if relevant) and downstream databases. Note: please provide details from all nodes. Additionally, please collect the following: 1.SCN reported in the Capture state related message - determine logs the SCN relates to connect / as sysdbaset pagesize 1000col first_scn format 999999999999999999col next_scn format 999999999999999999alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';select source_database,thread#,sequence#,name,modified_time,first_scn,next_scn,dictionary_begin,dictionary_end from dba_registered_archived_log where between first_scn and next_scn; Note : If thereported is the corresponds to the next_scn SCN value for a thread then it is likely the problem is with the next log in that thread; it may be missing or not registered. 2.Check Capture tracefile to understand if mising logfile detailed If no trace file is present, identify the Capture and Reader processes from the following : connect / as sysdbaset pagesize 1000-- Capturedefine capture_name=''select p.spid Spid, 'C00'||c.capture#||' '||upper(lp.role) "Capture Process ", c.capture_name "Capture Name", p.pga_used_mem "PGA Memory Used", p.pga_alloc_mem "PGA Memory Allocated", p.pga_max_mem "PGA Maximum Memory"from v$streams_capture c, v$logmnr_process lp, v$session s, v$process pwhere c.logminer_id = lp.session_idand lp.role in ('reader','preparer','builder')and lp.sid = s.sidand lp.serial# = s.serial#and s.paddr = p.addrand c.capture_name = '&capture_name'unionselect p.spid, 'C00'||c.capture#||' Coordinator', c.capture_name, p.pga_used_mem, p.pga_alloc_mem, p.pga_max_memfrom v$streams_capture c, v$session s, v$process pwhere c.sid = s.sidand c.serial# = s.serial#and s.paddr = p.addrand c.capture_name = '&capture_name'order by 6,5; Use the SPID (OS Process or thread id) for both the Capture process and Reader process as follows : Note: it may be that a reader process does not exist at the point a particular state is being reported. connect / as sysdba-- Capture BOTH Process and Reader Process :oradebug setospid-- event 1349 / level 32768 decimaloradebug event 1349 trace name context forever, level 32768oradebug setospid -- event 1349 / level 32768 decimal oradebug event 1349 trace name context forever, level 32768-- wait 5 minutes, disable trace :oradebug event 1349 trace name context offoradebug setospid oradebug event 1349 trace name context off Check the background_dump_dest location for trace files containing the process ids (spids) from the above. The trace files should identify the thread / sequence number and the problematic logfile which Capture is looking for. Note: ensure that you have the latest patchset installed otherwise relevant trace information may not be present. If it is still not obvious what the file being accessed is specify more complete event trace : oradebug event 1349 trace name context forever, level 26148863-- wait 5 minutes, disable trace :oradebug event 1349 trace name context off For example, in a Capture trace file you may see something like the following :krvxalfs: Error 308 raised while opening log /bugmnt21/em/celclnx8/tar20093554.6/app/oracle/product/ ora-308 indicates : missing logfile 3.Determine if there are logfiles unregistered If there is a gap in the registered logfiles, the Capture process will stop.Specify the name of your capture process below as well as thread number, i.e repeat for each thread used. Note : The plsql block will need be be run more than once for RAC configurations. connect / as sysdbaset serveroutput ondeclare-- amend the following as required.user_thread number := 1; -- change as necessaryuser_capture varchar2(100) := ''; --change as necessaryrcscn number;minseq number;maxseq number;rseq number;cnt number;cursor mlsns is select user_thread thread, sequence# from (select (lvl + minseq) sequence# from (select * from (select level lvl from dual connect by level <= maxseq - minseq))minusselect sequence# from dba_registered_archived_log where thread#=user_thread)order by 1;beginselect required_checkpoint_scn into rcscn from dba_capture where capture_name = user_capture;select min(sequence#) into rseq from dba_registered_archived_log where thread# = user_thread and consumer_name = user_capture and rcscn between first_scn and next_scn;select min(sequence#) into minseq from dba_registered_archived_log where thread# = user_thread and consumer_name = user_capture and sequence# >= rseq;select max(sequence#) into maxseq from dba_registered_archived_log where thread# = user_thread and consumer_name = user_capture;select count(*) into cnt from (select (lvl + minseq) sequence# from (select * from (select level lvl from dual connect by level <= maxseq - minseq))minusselect sequence# from dba_registered_archived_log where thread#=user_thread) ;if (cnt is not null) thenfor rec in mlsns loopdbms_output.put_line('Log not registered ' ||rec.sequence#);end loop;elsedbms_output.put_line('There are no gaps in registered logs.');end if;end;/ For any logfile which are not registered, ensure that these are on disk and register these using : alter database register or replace logical logfile '&fqfn' for '&capture_name'; 4.Determine if there are logs marked as corrupt A corrupt archive log file is indicated by the contents field of system.logmnr_log$ having value 16. connect / as sysdbaset pagesize 1000select * from system.logmnr_log$ where contents = 16 order by sequence#; select FILE_NAME, INFO, STATUS from system.logmnr_log$; If any logs as marked as corrupted , proceed as follows :- dump out the logfile; the dump pf the logfile will appear in the user_dump_dest location. connect / as sysdbaoradebug setmypidoradebug unlimitalter session set events '1354 trace name context forever, level 32768';alter session set events '1348 trace name context forever, level 1032';alter system dump logfile '&fqfn'; It may be that logfile will need to be restored or copied once again from the primary.One the above has been done the logfile can be reregistered as follows :- take a backup/copy of system.logmnr_log$ : connect / as sysdbacreate table system.logmnr_log$_bak as select * from system.logmnr_log$; - delete the entry in system.logmnr_log$ which is marked as corrupted : delete from system.logmnr_log$ where contents = 16 and thread# = and sequence# = ;commit; - reregister the logfile once again as detailed above. 5.RMAN - Recovery Manager can be used to identify archivelog files which may be missing Note: this can only be used on upstream environments - not downstream databases. This is due to the fact that no controlfile entry is created for a registered logfile in the downstream database. For Oracle 10.2, logfiles being mined by a Capture process are also logged to the alert.log. This information together with the Capture restart information from the Streams Healthcheck as well as logfile validation information reported by RMAN can be useful in identifying those logfile(s) that are missing.The RMAN command 'crosscheck archivelog' command can check the physical presence of an archive log file. Note: you do not have to be familiar with RMAN for backup and restore or have any experience of RMAN to use the commands detailed below. The approach when using RMAN is as follows :- First of all determine where a Capture process will start from it were restarted. This would be a convenient point to specify where to check the existence of logs from.- Record the restart SCN , the Thread number and Log Sequence number. Note: The Thread number and the Log Sequence number should typically be visible in the logfile name. This may not be the case however and will depends on the setting of the parameter : log_archive_format. Use either the restart Capture SCN (YYYYYYYYY) or the Log Sequence (ZZZZ) number from which to start the crosscheck validation. The thread number can also be specified on some commands (X); in order to understand if RAC or multiple threads are present issue : select * from gv$instance; Having performed the above, start RMAN : Note :1. If you specify a logfile you will receive no RMAN command output to the screen. Therefore, whilst getting to grips with RMAN you would be advised not to specify a logfile. Please also use set echo on so that reevant commands can be seen in log file.2. for problems relating to the running of RMAN , refer to the Backup and Recovery Advanced User's Guide. -- start rman without specifying a logfile.rman target /-- start rman and specify a logfile to record command outputrman target / log /tmp/crosscheck.logUseful commands to allow logs on disk to be crosscheckedon disk are as follows :-- ensure command used is echoed to log file.set echo on- crosscheck archivelog all;(crosscheck all logs on disk)- crosscheck archivelog from sequence ZZZZ thread X;(* crosscheck all the logs on disk from the sequence number)- crosscheck archivelog from scn = YYYYYYYYYY;(* crosscheck all the logs on disk from the scn)- crosscheck archivelog like '%%';(crosscheck all the logs on disk from a particular location)- crosscheck archivelog like '%%';(crosscheck that a specific logfile exists) * above allow the starting point of a the crosscheck command to be specified. Therefore , these should be used together with restart information detailed in the Streams healthcheck.Consider the following example where the Streams Healthcheck reports that the capture process will restart from : Capture will restart from SCN 2381906 in the following file:/la2/1_228_657120968.dbf (date/time)/la1/1_227_657120968.dbf (date/time)The following commands can be used in order to determine whether logsare available on disk or otherwise.rman target /set echo on- crosscheck archivelog all;- crosscheck archivelog from sequence 227 thread 1;- crosscheck archivelog from scn = 2381906;- crosscheck archivelog like '%la1%';- crosscheck archivelog like '%1_227_657120968.dbf%'; Checking RMAN outputIf a logfile is not found, RMAN will report : 'validation failed for archived log' error. Note: This is really only significant if a log is missing after the required_checkpoint_scn where a Capture process may restart from. If a logfile is found, RMAN will report :'validation succeeded for archived log' ....archive log filename=/arch1_127_657120968.dbf recid=127 stamp=673799334validation failed for archived logarchive log filename=/arch1_128_657120968.dbf recid=128 stamp=673806193validation succeeded for archived log...To exit RMAN, type :exitSearch through the logfile for 'failed' keyword. This willhopefully identify the problematic logfile.i.e (on Unix) grep -i failed /tmp/crosscheck.logIf all logfiles are validated and RMAN performed the crosscheck validation from the location that Capture would restart from , then the logs missing may likely come after the last logs reported by RMAN. Further inspection may be required. 6.Restore the archive logs Get all the archive logs required for the capture process to get restarted :A) When MISSING archive logs CAN be restored.Refer : Doc ID 290143.1 "Minimum Archived Log Necessary to Restart 10g and 11g Streams Capture Process" The output of the above query will give you the name of the archive logs which are required for the capture process. Make sure all the archives are available to the capture process from this archive sequence number. Restore the archive logs from this sequence and register them for the capture process to progress. SQL>alter database register or replace logical logfile '&fqfn' for '&capture_name'; If RMAN crossheck shows files that are failing validation, then we need to ensure that they are on disk and recatalog the file again in RMAN and register these using: RMAN> catalog start with '';SQL> alter database register or replace logical logfile '&fqfn' for '&capture_name'; B) When MISSING archive logs CANNOT be restored.In case of restoration of the missing archive logs is not possible due to unavailability of the backup of the old archive logs, Then we need to recreate the capture process. NOTE: There is no way that the capture process can skip these missing archive logs and jump to the next available archive log. Streams gets stuck when the archive logs are not available. Refer Doc ID 471695.1 to recreate the capture process.Still have questions ? To discuss this information further with Oracle experts and industry peers, we encourage you to review, join or start a discussion via My Oracle SupportGoldenGate, Streams and Distributed Database CommunityEnjoy a short Video about Oracle´s Support Communities - to quickly understand it´s benefits for you right now ( REFERENCES NOTE:471713.1 - Different States of Capture & Apply ProcessNOTE:1487470.1 - After Capture abort restart results in WAITING FOR DICTIONARY REDO: FIRST SCN instead of starting at the REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCNNOTE:275323.1 - Minimum Archive Log Necessary To Restart Capture Process - 9iR2BUG:5770059 - REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN NOT MOVING FORWARDNOTE:273674.1 - Streams Configuration Report and Health Check ScriptNOTE:290143.1 - Minimum Archived Log Necessary to Restart 10g and 11g Streams Capture ProcessNOTE:305648.1 - What is a Flash / Fast Recovery Area and how to configure it ?NOTE:421176.1 - Usage of RMAN in Streams EnvironmentBUG:4428833 - CAPTURE LOOPS AT STARTUP : V$STREAMS_CAPTURE :INITALIZING OR DICTIONARY INITNOTE:471695.1 - Required Steps to Recreate a Capture Process.==================================================================How to recover Streams capture when it is 'WAITING For REDO' (Doc ID 843267.1) SOLUTION Streams works on the concept of redo data mining. The redo logs can be archived in the form of archive logs. Streams capture process mine these archives and replicate all the underlying actions/operations.Oracle maintains the continuity of these archive information in terms of SCN values. If any archive are missing or deleted by manually or by RMAN jobs then the continuity sequence breaks and Streams capture process will not be able to move until the missing archive logs will be available . Check the capture process status:SQL> SELECT CAPTURE_NAME, STATE FROM V$STREAMS_CAPTURE;Capture_Name State------------------- -------STREAMS_CAPTURE WAITING FOR REDO: LAST SCN MINED 10404900045757Note.471713.1 “Different States of Capture & Apply Process.” The following solution in this note will help to recover Streams in two scenariosA) When MISSING archivelogs CAN be restored.B) When MISSING archivelogs CANNOT be restored. A) When MISSING archivelogs CAN be restored. i) Get all the archive logs required for the capture process to get restarted : Refer :Note.290143.1 "Minimum Achived Log Necessary to Restart 10g and 11g Streams Capture Process".Or simply query :SQL> SELECT THREAD#, NAME, SEQUENCE# FROM V$ARCHIVED_LOGWHERE 10404900045757 BETWEEN FIRST_CHANGE# AND NEXT_CHANGE#;Note.735976.1 "All Replication Configuration Views For Streams, AQ, CDC and Advanced Replication" The output of the above query will give you the name of the archivelogs which are required for the catpure process. Make sure all the archives are available to the capture process from this archive sequence number. So you need to restore them back to the archive destination. ii) Copy all the missing archives from the backup to the main archive location or in case of RMAN use the following syntax : Example:RMAN> run {set archivelog destination to ‘/tmp’;restore archivelog from logseq=60 until logseq=70;} iii). After restoring all the archive logs, manually register them for the capture process. This will enable the capture process to mine those archive logs. SQL> ALTER DATABASE REGISTER LOGICAL LOGFILE'Full Path & File_name' FOR '';Example :---------ALTER DATABASE REGISTER LOGICAL LOGFILE'/oracle/logs_from_dbs1/1_10_456789.dbf' FOR 'strms_capture'; In some cases the following Bugs may be applicable:Bug 5278539Bug 5602452Both are fixed in and above. B) When MISSING archivelogs CANNOT be restored. i). In case of restoration of the missing archive logs is not possible due to un-availability of the backup of the old archive logs, Then the whole streams need to rebuild. NOTE: There is no way that the capture process can skip these missing archive logs and jump to the next available archive log. Streams gets stuck when the archve logs are not available. ii). In such cases, stop and drop the capture,propagation and apply process and manually sync both the databases. exec DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.STOP_CAPTURE('');exec DBMS_APPLY_ADM.STOP_APPLY('');Disable the Propagationexec DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.DROP_CAPTURE('');Drop the propagationexec DBMS_APPLY_ADM.DROP_APPLY(''); iii). Manually re-sync both the databases by using exp/imp utility or TTS or RMAN. Make sure all the replicated objects are in sync. Refer:Note.550955.1 "Instantiating Objects in a 10g Streams UsingOriginal Export/Import and Data Pump Export/Import - Example"Note.551106.1 "Instantiating Objects in Streams UsingTransportable Tablespace or RMAN" iv). Create the capture ,propagation and apply process. v). Perform instantiation. On the Source DB============beginDBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.PREPARE_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION('');end;/set serveroutput onDECLAREiscn NUMBER;BEGINiscn := DBMS_FLASHBACK.GET_SYSTEM_CHANGE_NUMBER();DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Instantiation SCN is: ' || iscn);END;/On the Target DB===========BEGINDBMS_APPLY_ADM.SET_SCHEMA_INSTANTIATION_SCN(source_schema_name => '',source_database_name => '',recursive => TRUE,instantiation_scn => &iscn); <== iscn from the Source DB.END;/Note.429543.1 "Purpose of Instantiation in Streams Environment" vii).Start the capture and apply process. exec DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.START_CAPTURE('');exec DBMS_APPLY_ADM.START_APPLY(''); viii). Verify the setup ReferNote.729860.1 "Troubleshooting Queries in Streams" Who to contact for more information?To discuss this information further with Oracle experts and industry peers, we encourage you to review, join or start a discussion via My Oracle Support Streams and Distributed Database CommunityEnjoy a short Video about Oracle´s Support Communities - to quickly understand it´s benefits for you right now ( REFERENCES BUG:5278539 - ORA-23605 ON CREATE OF NEW CAPTUREBUG:5602452 - STREAMS RECOVERY WITH RMAN/ASM - CAPTURE STUCK IN 'DICTIONARY INITIALIZATION'NOTE:273674.1 - Streams Configuration Report and Health Check ScriptNOTE:290143.1 - Minimum Archived Log Necessary to Restart 10g and 11g Streams Capture ProcessNOTE:429543.1 - Purpose of Instantiation in Streams EnvironmentNOTE:471713.1 - Different States of Capture & Apply ProcessNOTE:550955.1 - Instantiating Objects Using Original Export/Import and Data Pump Export/Import - ExampleNOTE:551106.1 - Instantiating Objects in Streams Using Transportable Tablespace or RMANNOTE:729860.1 - Troubleshooting Queries in StreamsNOTE:735976.1 - All Replication Configuration Views For Streams, AQ, CDC and Advanced Replication========================================================================= Comments
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